Frequently asked Questions

1. Do I need life insurance?
A. Yes, if others depend on your income such as your wife, partner or children. Also, if you have debt others will be responsible for if you should die insurance would relieve this burden for them.

2. How much will the policy cost?
A. Premiums vary from person to person. Get a personalized quote by answering a few questions

3. What happens if I'm late on a payment or can't pay?
A. Some policies have a 10 day grace period and others have a 30 day grace period. It will depend on what type of terms of agreement you have and possible State regulations.

4. Who should be the beneficiary? Can I change beneficiaries?
A. In theory, anyone can be named a beneficiary, a family member, a business partner, a charitable organization or a friend. However, it's important to keep in mind that if you name a minor child, you may also need to name a guardian who will be responsible for overseeing any funds the minor may receive.
1. All whole life insurance policy guarantees are subject to the timely payment of all required premiums and the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Policy loans and withdrawals affect the guarantees by reducing the policy's death benefit and cash values.

2. Some whole life policies do not have cash values in the first two years of the policy and don't pay a dividend until the policy's third year.

3. Policy benefits are reduced by any outstanding loan or loan interest and/or withdrawals. Withdrawals above the cost basis may result in taxable ordinary income. If a policy lapses, or is surrendered, any outstanding loans considered gains in the policy may be subject to ordinary income taxes.

4. Riders may incur an additional cost or premium. Riders may not be available in all States. A Waiver of Premium rider waives the obligation for the policyholder to pay further premiums should he/she becomes totally disabled continuously for at least six months. This rider will incur an additional cost. See policy contract for additional details and requirements

5. Information and resources presented for educational and informational purposes and are subject to terms and conditions of individual policies.  This Website is offered and available to users who are 18 years of age or older and reside in South Carolina.

Creative Benefits Insurance

Phone: (864)350-7565
Fax: (864)-609-0567

1 Chick Springs Rd
Suite 207-D,
Greenville, SC 29609
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